Not exactly sure what the husband loves about this car. But, he has been loving them since they were conceived. And so our order is in.
The husband has been waiting patiently. And so have the children. And it has been hard for them to wait patiently, because they know that this car promises to be something special. They have named it The Date Car. And they are excited, because when we get it, this is the vehicle we will use for our special one on one dates they so love.
Until The Date Car is delivered, the husband continues to drive the faithful Ford Focus. It looks like this:
Well, it did up until Sunday- sometime during church. And now it looks like this:
It went and got itself broken into. In the church parking lot!
Man, I wish that car were a little more smart and not so focused, then it wouldn't get itself into situations like this.
I think I know why the husband ordered that cute little blue thing with the silver stripe. It's smart. It can probably fight off criminals.
I am going to suggest that he do something like this to it. (you know, to scare off any bad guys)
And for those of you who may be wondering: yes, the husband does fit in this little car. With room to spare. Kind of makes me think of The Incredibles, except the husband isn't quite as filled out as Mr. Incredible nor is he a cartoon.
The last photo reminds me of when this happened to my wife's car. We had a sun-shield which wraps up into a small circle tucked under the seat. It may have appeared to look like a CD case— which is probably the reason they tried breaking into the car.
I'm sorry your Focus was broken into. Really funny last picture, though! I think those cars really are a smart idea. I think it's funny when I see a huge car and there's only one person inside.
I heard the news from the husband. I hope nothing was stolen, and I'm assuming it wasn't someone trying to get rid of a bunch of zucchini by stashing it in your car.
Oh man, the luck of getting your car broken in to..AT CHURCH! The nerve of some criminals!
And is that a Smart Car? How smart are they really? I guess you will find out..won't you!
that nathan is a crack up! i have been getting rid of zucchini since saturday. (i think i am finally down to a manageable amount) though i am not the one that did this to the focus. so sad. is it the reason the husband feared it would happen? at least it wasn't stolen like he thought it would be! sorry for your broken car!!!
sorry about your car.. i can't believe cars in church parking lots are targets! (never in utah)..
but on a lighter note! the smart car is all over europe!
when we visited there 3 years ago we just wanted to tuck one in our pocket and take it home with us on the plane..we almost could you know! lol! i love your blog since i found it on bsu. i just moved to arizona 2 months ago. thanks for letting me visit your blog!
I know someone else who got their car broken into on Sunday. Weird. I hope nothing irreplaceable was stolen.
{{love your smart and focused line}}
We thought about ordering a "smart" little car too, but the husband has decided to stick with his annoying Chrysler....i wouldn't be so annoyed if it would quit breaking down. Maybe he will "get smart" and order one soon ):
p.s. Is the husband going to fit in the car? I mean lengthwise...he is sooooo tall :)
I'm sure he has already sat in one and figured out that he does fit.
I'm sorry about the car being broken into--church parking lots are real targets for criminals. Life's tough in San Fransisco! Did CSI come and do stuff? I love that show...I've always wanted to see them in action! Seriously though, I hope that nothing irreplaceable was stolen!
The only time that my car was broken into was at a stake center in Tempe while I was volunteering to serve food at a funeral! Isn't that just annoying?
Sorry for your loss. We went to the car show and Aaron fit into the Smarty-pants car with room to spare. We are excited for your new vehicle. Could you park it in the shed?
I can not beleive that someone would break into your car AT CHURCH....well maybe I can...you knew someone burnt down our building right? crazy crazy crazy!
That stinks!!
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