We live in Arizona. As some of you know, President Obama will be speaking at ASU's graduation this evening. Beginning last night at midnight, restrictions were put into place on travel to certain areas of the city.

And, because my office is in a high rise building, we had somestrange visitors securing our building over the past couple of days. It seems like the place is crawling with secret service.

It just so happens that my office is relatively close to SunDevil Stadium, where the President will be speaking.
Because of the travel restrictions, traffic is a mess. And with theDiamondback's game this evening, it will only get worse...
So, I'm working from home today. (My apologies to my co-workers who already received this in email.)
Congratulations to all those who are graduating, especially my very own brother (in-law).
whoa. I heard this that he would be there today and I can only imagine the chaos so you get all the permission you need to stay out of that zone and off of that freeway...although I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to just sit in traffic to be able to sit in your car longer to enjoy it:) Hope all is well!
what? you're working at home? where are you? i haven't seen you all day!
so glad you don't have to fight the traffic. not to mention the secret service kitties.
did they (the secret service) not know that you have some mad ninja skills? they should have hired you for this event. i'm pretty sure you would have kept obama safe.
The only thing I've heard about this is that ASU's not going to give him an honorary degree.
Working from home has some big pros and big cons.
So, I think you need a blog award- Oh wait! I already gave you one! Visit meanmommyacademy.blogspot.com to receive it!
sorry i did not comment the other day as i raced passed reading quickly and on to the next thing on my list. but i did think of this reply in my head...as i moved on.... good thing you have that option on days like that!
and good to hear from ya! very nice surprise appearance. love all the pics. specially the sniper kitty!
I got a belly laugh out of the kitty picture with the sharp shooter! Too funny. Hope you survive the day!
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