Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Day with Ghosts

Today my younger brother becomes a doctor.
He has been working hard learning all this stuff.

Today he graduates.
And gets a diploma and all that.
And now he can work on people.

He recently moved his family to Arizona.
We love having them close.
And now, since he has gone back to his school to graduate,
we are taking care of one of his cute children.

As my cute little nephew has been in my home these past few days,
I keep seeing the ghost of my little brother
running through my house,
playing with my own little son.

And then, I look again,
and it's like the ghost of the husband
is playing with the ghost of my younger brother.

I'm not afraid of ghosts.

And it makes me smile.

Congratulations, brother!!
I sure do love you.


Calli Potter said...

This post literally brought tears to my eyes! I love the idea of having a little ghost of Brendan past and a little ghost of Chris past becoming present day buddies! Thank you so much for watching my little batman!

trublubyu said...

he does look like him [Quincy]