Now, on to the matter that is closer to my heart- but ONLY because it is oldest daughter's fund raiser- not because I particularly love soliciting. Because I don't. Love soliciting. So, if you want to purchase you may, if you don't- no pressure, no worries, no guilt, no shame, no judgment, no shirt, no shoes, no service.

These are some of the offerings. Click this link to take you to the site. And if, by chance, you would like to order something, God bless you for supporting your local elementary school fundraiser. And even if you don't order anything, God bless you anyway! Amen.
SO glad you're on here! We just had Time Out For Women last weekend. It was wonderful and we were all uplifted and enlightened! Bless you for helping out in Phoenix! Hope it's a great success for you all!
never been, always wanted to go. maybe this will be the year, for both.
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