Oldest daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies. And she is way excited! She is just a Daisy Girl Scout- 5-7 yr age group- and this is the first year Daisies have been allowed to sell cookies. She has sold 20 boxes so far. She has a goal, along with her troop, to make sure that she sells 35 boxes. If each girl in her troop reaches this goal, they will skip off to Build-A-Bear to stuff a little bear for their very own. If they don't each sell 35 boxes? No bears.
Cookies are $4.00 a box and will be delivered mid-February. And money isn't due till cookies are delivered! So, if you want to place that order, let me know what cookies you would like (Samoa, Thin Mint, Lemon Chalet Cremes, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Dulce de Leche, Surgar Free Chocolate Chip, and Tagalongs) and how many boxes and we will deliver those cookies in February.Humor us, k?
We've sold 78 so far. Our troop is trying to raise enough to go to a dude ranch in New York State. We only have 5 girls so we've been busting our tails to sell sell sell for the past 2 years.
Good luck selling....I know she'll get her bear. :)
Oh how I wish I lived in the Phoenix area. I have been thinking about Girl Scout cookies for WEEKS. I would totally order from you if I lived within an hour driving distance.
Because I don't live in the area AND there is a four letter word being thrown around my house (DIET), I must resort to just licking my screen where the pictures of the cookies appears in your post!
Bummer! Just yesterday the neighbor girl came over and I bought some from her! Otherwise- I would be a supporter for your little girl!
I wish I lived near you...I'd order a ton of thin mints! I keep hearing it's Girl Scout cookie time, yet I don't see any girls selling cookies outside the stores, like I usually do. Our neighbor's daughter sold them last year but she hasn't come by this year. I'm seriously disappointed!!!
Good luck with your selling!!! Hope she'll do well!
No Kookooburros ? Boo Hoo !
Girl Scout Cookie time is the best !
2 boxes of Samoas, 2 Thin Mint, and 2 Tagalongs.
This totally saves me from having to find that random safeway!
Bren and I were just talking about needing to find a girl scout to get cookies from. If you'd deliver to Missouri we would be all about it! Good Luck with your Goal!
Yay for GSC!!! As you know, I already put in my order, and I am anxiously awaiting the delivery date!!!
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