Today is little son's birthday. He is no longer the two-est. (wonder what that means? check here.) Definitely the three-est. And when you have someone who is the three-est in your house, these are some of the feelings you will have.
You will smile each time he asks you something and promptly replies with, "That is a good idea!"
You will love watching the three-est run intently down the hall to show you exactly how a super hero runs.
You will be exhausted when he wakes up in the middle of the night because his legs are aching, but you will cuddle and him and rub his legs and give him a little medicine to take the ache away. And you will pray that he will sleep peacefully the rest of the night.
You will want to hug him tightly when he performs a task, looks to you for approval and gives you a "thumbs up" with that little stubby thumb that three-ests are known to have.
You will find that your heart can belong to another boy besides your husband.
You will look forward to his next change of super hero status, wondering what he wants you to call him for the next 20 minutes until he changes his mind and becomes a different super hero.
You will laugh when you realize that "The Trash Can Guy" he has been referencing all day is actually none other than Oscar the Grouch. Silly mom.
You will think "this kid is tiring me out" about 400 times a day.
Your heart will melt everytime you put him down for a nap and his little puckered up voice-sound says, "Mom, will you lay down with me?"
You will want to drink in every moment with him, because one day he will be the four-est.
And you will thank your Heavenly Father for entrusting you to raise one of his beloved sons.
I made an observation when my cousin was three— they are old enough to follow orders, but not old enough to refuse. Has he learned what "No" means yet? If he hasn't… enjoy the time while it lasts.
Happy Birthday to my favorite cousin!
What a cutie! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up?!! Happy "three-est" Birthday!
This is life with my four-est. He "runs fast like Dash" and thinks lots of things are a good idea and asks me to lay down with him at night.
Happy Birthday! Three-est is a blast.
Very sweet post, and I love the pics!
I love life with the "three-est"! My three-est is the best and I thank God everyday-ok, sometimes I question his reasoning, but mostly I thank him :)
wow that made me cry.. my baby boy is a grown up with 3 babies of his own.
he has 2 sisters older than him who still think he is totally spoiled. he is.
happy birthday to your little one. little boys are special.
something about that thumbs up and that little smile.
I love three!! Still a baby to you, but quickly becoming a little man! What a cute fella your guy is!
What beautiful pictures and thoughts! Happy happy birthday to your son! He's a cutey-patootie!
I love your blog because you can put into words what every woman feels but can't express.
You did it beautifully. (That and the "need" list!)
he's the cutest little boy.
Loved you pictures. What an amazing thing to be a mom.
This was an awesome post...and my youngest is 3, so I totally get it. And I love napping with him in the afternoons!
I, so clearly, remember a ward Christmas party with you as Mary, great with child. May your son, too, wax strong in spirit! Feliz Cumpleanos a su hijo!
SO cute! I'm excited for mine to be three, but I guess I have to get through all the terrible 2's first. :)
What a wonderful tribute to your cute little guy. Those photos are gorgeous! You are a great photographer. (From a stranger who just stopped by)
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