And so, (that phrase was for all of you who might remember this. i couldn't help myself.) I was at Target today with middle daughter and little son. We were scouting out the clearance piles, or aisles, if you prefer. (We still call them piles- a la little son.) And I got some great deals on Christmas toys. For birthdays.
Of course when I go to Target, I case the entire joint. Check every clearance pile. And re-check. Thoroughly. And then I meander throughout the rest of the store, just in case I am missing anything. It is a process.
As we were passing by the bedding piles, little son's spidey senses detected a way awesome stuffed Batman pillow. I'm talking way way awesome- it's basically like a stuffed batman doll. It's at least two feet tall, maybe more, and has a cape. So, we paused to allow for a little super hero on super hero combat. And it was good combat. And little son loved that Batman pillow. And we moved on. To the hairspray. Because I had to get some, eventhough the husband had just purchased some for me on his late-Saturday-night jaunt to the grocer's. But he got aerosol. And I don't believe I have used aerosol hairspray since my Aqua-Net glory days. (I will give the husband props, though, because he did call me while at the grocer's, standing in the hairspray pile, and informed me that only aerosol was available in my particular spray, and what should he do? And since it was imperative that I be a little bit cute for my lesson on Sunday, I gave the consent for the aerosol purchase. So when I used it yesterday, I was not satisfied with it. Hence the need for visiting the hairspray pile at Target.)
After Target we headed home. And so, as I entered my mobile office, I took out the cell phone to take care of the business that one can conduct in one's mobile office. I dialed 411 to get the number of the business that I needed to call and was greeted with:
AT&T 411 Info. Happy Groundhog Day
from the lady whose voice is pre-recorded. Wow. I had completely forgotten this holiday.
We really need to put the Groudhog back into Groudhog Day. I can't remember the last time someone wished me a Happy Groundhog Day. And I was filled with warm fuzzies. And tears came to my eyes. And then, as a bonus, I was wished a Happy Groundhog Day AGAIN after I received the information I was seeking. I believe AT&T could change the world.
Soon we were pulling into the garage and unloading the car.
As we sat down to lunch, I asked my two children what they loved best about visiting Target today. (This is a habit for me after we visit stores, so that I can make mental notes of the kinds of things to get them for holidays.) And middle daughter answered the typical girl answer- she loved the Barbies. But, little son surprised me. He said, "I liked the bras."
How did you spend your Groundhog Day?
You have no idea who I am. (I went to school with 'the husband'. We've been friends since the 7th grade.) Sometime I'll tell you my favorite high school story involving your husband. BUT...I LOVE your blog. I love the way you write, and you always bring a smile to my face.
Geeze... I didn't realize it was Ground Hog day! Nothing exciting to report...another regular work day for me. But, after work a trip to the grocery store will be necessary, so things could get exciting!!!
we spent groundhog day at the dr's with sick baby who has an ear infection and then picking up prescriptions and retrieving oldest son from school who has been throwing up--all over the kitchen floor--i thought at 14 they no longer did that? happy groundhog day!
LOL your son is cute!! lol
Im a newbie to your blog but I'm enjoying reading it so far! :)
Have a great Groundhog Day! (we dont have that day here in the uk!)
I totally forgot about this holiday... until this post...
Cute post and cute son! Groundhog day was pretty quiet. The parents went in the MTC, so we'll celebrate the 1 year mark next year, too.
First, I love the stream of consciousness. Target, Clearance Piles, Super Heroes, Aerosol Hair Spray, Mobile Office, Groundhog Day, AT&T ...
My all time favorite? Ending on bras.
I remember feeling so awkward walking through the bra section in mall department stores. Without fail, my mom and I would end up parking near the doors to that section.
My wife and I watched the movie Groundhog Day to which we both can say we know the drummer from the party scene. I was there when they were filming the movie in Woodstock Illinois so it was a lot of fun to point out where everything was in the movie.
I heart Target. I rarely go, because I can't afford to spend $60 every time I go, even when it's all on clearance.
Husband and I watched Groundhog Day, too. "They're hicks, Rita. It's what they DO."
I spent mine uneventfully and at work until 7 pm. Ack! I was so bummed to hear we have another 6 weeks of winter. Bleck! Yours sounded eventful!
I came to your blog really needing a laugh and I was not disappointed. Thank you and your little son :)
we yell "Target Ahoy!" everytime we get withing range of one. You don't know me, this is my first visit to your blog, but I thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm thinking about an AZ meet and greet, so I'm out stalking the AZ gals from BlogStalkersUnite.
Sorry I haven't been over here in a few! Work has been way crazy!
♥ Hugs :)
That is one ugly critter ! I am still trying to catch up on my blog reading...
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