Friday, February 27, 2009

Rapid Weight Loss

I have lost 10 pounds since yesterday. Seriously.

Working out works. Except, looking at your scale and seeing exactly where it is set works better than working out. I realized this morning that my scale is set on the 10 pound mark to begin with.(it's a really old scale) So I have been really distressed about having gained 30 pounds in the last year. When really, I have only gained 20.

Usually gaining 20 pounds would not be a reason to celebrate. But when you thought you gained 30 and it is only 20, you are pretty excited. Believe me.



Cynthia said...

I'm even more pathetic because *I* felt relief for you too! How funny that you now get to celebrate that which would have depressed you yesterday!

I fell only 1/2 off the wagon for a week and gained back a whole pound. It comes on so very, very easily and it's so dog dang hard to get it off!

Cajoh said...

When I started weighing myself again recently I discovered that I gained 10 pounds in two days. After that, I made it a point to make sure the scale was calibrated to 0 before I began. However, I must admit that I did lose 5 pounds in 4 hours for a weigh-in when I was wrestling in high-school (not fun).

Shannon said...

I'm very excited for you! I checked mine. It's set to zero. Drat.

Elizabeth said...

I was totally wishing my scale was off, but it's pretty darn accurate- bummer!!!

K said...

There's nothing better than realizing your scale has been being rude! Sweet 10 lb loss baby! (o:

JMadd said...

This happened to me the other way around. I went to the doctor and when they weighed me I weighed 25 lbs less than I did the last time. It had been 6 months or so. I was so happy, and then I started thinking, "If I had lost 25 lbs, wouldn't my clothes be a LOT looser?" I stepped on a different scale and sure enough, I hadn't lost anything. The next time I went back to the doctor I told the nurse that I didn't appreciate their little scale trick. She told me that they knew it was off, so my correct weight was recorded in my chart.

uniquelynat said...

i wish i could say that my scale was doing the same thing. only i know differently. my clothes would fit much better even with the loss of only 10 lbs. sadly- they don't. and i am sad to report that the working out is not happening at the moment either. happy day for you though!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm glad that you discovered this little joyous miscalibration.

I'm going to use it as an excuse. Because, I'm sure if it happened with your scale, surely it happened at my doctor's office, too, right? Right?

Michelle said...

First of all, I am impressed that you can coherently type at 5:32am. Secondly, of course you should be celebrating your amazing weight loss. I would. In fact, I wish my scale had the same flaw just so I could celebrate too!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

Your not pathetic..just real!

I don't step on a scale unless absolutely necessary! Darn things!