The husband and I have been asked to participate in our stake's youth handcart trek. We are excited. Really. (we kind of campaigned for this position- short of printing signs for election) The husband knows people- and he recommended us. And so we are preparing ourselves for the 4 day 3 night excursion to take place mid-March.
I have been working out. Because, well, it would not do for me to ask the kids to load me up in that handcart and pull me along with all their supplies. I don't think. It would be better (and a lot less embarrassing) if I were a bit in shape and able to walk all those miles of my own accord. So I have been using that elliptical machine that has been acting as a beautiful sculpture in our loft these many months. And it has proved to be a worthy work-out partner. As long as I can watch a good show while I am ellipticizing. Because if I can't watch a good show, I just get bored.
And for a little over two weeks I have worked out every day- except Sunday. I am feeling pretty good about what I have accomplished. I have also found myself a walking partner. We have determined to walk 3 miles every MWF at 6:00 a.m. And we have gone twice so far. And both times we have been hindered due to my little calf muscles. I just don't know what is up with them. All along the side of my lower leg- from my ankle up to my knee- my muscle tightens and has prohibited us from an excellent walk. It pulls so tight that it feels like it could snap.
So, I am wondering how to warm up this muscle. Does anyone have great pointers? Because I want to able to walk in the mornings. And the trek is fast approaching. And I believe you are all a bit smarter in the workout department than I am. So- help! Please...
heres what to do. put the toe of the leg you want to stretch against a wall, and step back with the other leg (so you have one leg only with the toe against the wall). Then lift the back leg off the ground (or you can put a little weight on it to support you) and then bend the knee of the leg you want to stretch, keeping your toe to the wall, and your foot flat on the ground. This stretches all of those muscles and will relieve any shin splints too. It feels good.
Congratulations on the exercising. When I get my cast off, I am doing a little exercising myself! I promise!
no idea but I can get you a cute outfit for the trek:) (see facebook)
I have no advice either. But good for you!! There are many things I don't mind doing if I have a good show to watch while doing them.
p.s. I'm a little jealous you get to be a trekkie. I'd love to do that someday!
We get to do one of those next summer. I can't wait. Erica has loved them. Hope you have a blast.
As for the leg, I think Musings has a great idea. I know that it also helps to slowly warm up into an exercise before going full bore, then stretching afterward. The muscle is warmer and more pliable then. If you don't already, try 3-5 minutes on the eliptical at a casual pace and then speed yourself up or increase your resistance. Take a few minutes at the casual pace at the end to get your heart rate down and then try the stretching. Good luck!
yeah, if you do a couple minutes on the elliptical before you go walking to warm up, you'll have better luck.
and my favorite calf stretch is to put my toes on the rung of a chair then press my heel toward the floor, if that makes sense. you can steady yourself by holding onto the chair.
I have no advice..but I do want to say..good on ya! You go girl! Keep up the good work!
MARCH?!?! Holy cow that sounds cold! I thought they only did that in say- JULY! haha. Good luck! I have alwasy wanted to go- we were in 2 different wards meaning I had the chance 3 different times- once I was barely too young, once barely too old and the other I had a dance review or something silly- anyway, have fun!! lol
Sounds fun! If you need clothes let us know, I have a box from when we went a couple of years ago. Nothing for the little people but bonnets. But I have things for you and the husband.
I think that anything I say is probably redundant from all the other comments! But, since we all like to be heard I will add my thoughts to the mix. The trick I have found is to stretch really well before any ambitious exercise. One other trick for for stretching your calves is to use your stairs. Put your toes on one step and your heels on the step below it. Your toes don't have to be on top of the next step -- just higher than your heel! Good luck!
I was going to recommend the stretch that "Musings of the Mrs." explained - and so much better than me.
Also make sure you're taking plenty of potassium - do you take a multi-vitamin?
Just dropping by to let you know I have a super give-away contest running this week (and every week) on my LDS blog at Not Entirely British
This time, the prize is a copy of Josi S. Kilpack’s new culinary mystery, Lemon Tart.
Unfortunately, I don't have much advice for you. My workouts consist of changing the channel on the TV while shoving a brownie in my mouth.
I should probably change that ...
Cayla went with our stake this last summer and loved it. It was a life changing experiance for her. Infact, if you didn't know, she loved it so much that shes going with your stake also. If you want you can give her a call and she can let you know all the ins and outs for the ma and pas. She had a wonderful time and I'm sure you will too.
That is so cool! I did one of those when I was 14 and loved it. You'll have a great time! I don't have much advice for you, except to get a really great playlist of music that inspires you to get moving and listen to that while you walk.
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