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I have come to the conclusion that the children are missing something in their magical little lives. And I'm determined that they get that something.
In preparation, I have spent the week dreaming and researching and sketching and plotting it out. Because a Fairy Garden takes dreaming and researching and sketching and plotting. You have to find the right miniature plants to welcome little fairies. I think I have settled on some. And I have found some magical accessories.
Once I had these ideas gathered, I presented them to the children and I watched as smiles spread across their cute little mugs. And the girls have added their ideas of the perfect fairy garden retreat.
It's a tricky thing, fairy gardens. Especially in this desert environment. But I feel confident we can pull it off. And now is the perfect time for planting. So, we will spend next week during their fall break getting it all planted and built. And then all the little fairies with no place to go will come and inhabit a little section of our very own backyard.
Everyone needs to dream of a fairy garden. I'm confident that once the garden is planted, the children won't want for anything- it will definitely take care of what was missing in all our lives.
What would you plant in your fairy garden?
We have beautiful, delicate Honeysuckle upin north Idaho here. So, I Googled "desert honeysuckle" and found there are a number of varieties that grow there. And I found this blog post:
Have fun with your garden!
That sounds like a lot of fun. Will be a challenge in the desert. Good luck!
I would plant Lantana, which is drought tolerant and attracts butterflies! Your garden looks beautiful!
That is absolutely beautiful! I think my girls would love something like that.
For me, I'd have to plant lots and lots of tulips.
Keep us posted! What a great idea... we have faires here too!
Lilies and tulips and honeysuckle and lavender and hydrogenas (or however you spell it.)
With a bench. And a trellis. And a fountain.
Not that I've thought about it.
how wonderful is this? If I was to build a fairy garden, I would need some sort of water feature. Every little fairy needs somewhere to cool her feet. Oh, and a door. One of those cute little tree doors..... Oh the possibilities! The memories you will be making. I don't think my boys would appreciate this sort of thing. *sigh*
If daffodils would grow in Arizona...I'd plant a ton!
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