Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Head Service

I have made a resolution. Starting yesterday, I am determining to do more for others.

I often have this type of thought creep into my head: "I should call so and so" or "I need to drop by whatshernames" or "After I get done making these cookies, I should take a plate over to the neighbor's" etc, etc, ETC. I am ALWAYS thinking of things I should do. But a lot of the time that's where it ends- with just the thought.

This one time, like 3 or more years ago, when one of my friends was pregnant, we were in a group setting where we were talking about projects we needed to get done around the house and she mentioned that she still needed to clean the cement splatters from off her back windows from when her house was being built and stuccoed. Right that minute I determined to go and clean her windows the next morning. So, the next morning I woke up, gathered the necessary window cleaning supplies, and went and knocked on her door. And waited. Then I rang her doorbell. And waited. She didn't answer. I walked back to my car and loaded the supplies and the children and returned home.

Then againg the following morning I made the trek back to her doorstep, determined to complete the task this time. Again I knocked. I waited. I rang. I waited. Again, no answer. So, dejected, I loaded the necessaries back into my car.

I didn't go back the next day. I just let it go.

I just re-read all this and it seems like the next logical/ tragical sentence should be- "I never got the chance to do it or anything else for her, because tragically the next day she and her whole family were swept from the earth in a ginormous tornado and I will never see her again in this life. Why didn't I follow those promptings?" Yeah, it is nothing like that, it's just that now she has moved to cooler and greener pastures- just an hour and a half up the freeway. I don't think I even ever told her about this. Maybe I should have. Maybe just telling her about it would have meant something to her. I don't know. Maybe she is reading this today and now she knows what I almost did for her. Again, I don't know.

My point? I always have these thoughts and impressions. If everyone I know only knew how many times I perform an awesome service for them in my head, they would feel really loved and looked after. But, I guess head service has no real lasting merit. So that's why, starting yesterday, I am actually determined to see my head service to fruition. All those good intentions that I have? I will act on them. And this resolution feels good.

And don't be surprised if I show up one morning on your front doorstep, bucket/cookies/book/whatever in hand ready to do whatever it is that we talked about yesterday.


Shauna said...

Service is awesome :) It not only blesses us but others too!

Wendy said...

Your kids are very creative, I love finding this kind of cute stuff - when I'm not expecting it. Just goes along with Pres. Monson's talk on Change!! They won't be this little for very long, so enjoy the moment now!! I love reading your blog!!

Kellie said...

You're so cool. I always want to do stuff like that, but don't usually follow through. You're awesome.

Mechelle said...

If we could all act on our promptings the world we be in much better shape than it is now. Sometimes all it takes is one person to get the ball rolling. Kind of like a "pay-it-forward" thing, except not waiting for someone else to do something first, and not letting it stop with just one act of service.

Ruth P said...

Great! I can't wait! :)

Randibee said...

You're right...we all should get service out of our head and into the world. I am waiting for you to show up on my doorstep...Everyday I will be looking! :)

Anonymous said...

I've often said, that if I did everything I thought of doing I'd have been translated by now. But alas, I am still here and still trying to serve better.

Sarah said...

I have the same problem. I think to call someone, and I don't have their number with me, etc. I have worked on this by putting a ward directory in the car - but it's not safe to check it and drive! :) So I wait until I am sitting for 20 minutes waiting for Ben to get out of school - during nap time for many friends. Good luck with your resolution!

Kristina P. said...

I just found your blog from An Eagle's View, and since you mentioned taking cookies to someone, I felt compelled to comment. You know, in case you ever want to stop by. I love stalkers, even in real life.

Carolyn said...

I am with you sister. I think that some of the non-service times can be chalked up to Mom brain. But I too, neeed to follow through more. Thanks for the inspiration.

mom and dad said...

I'm always performing "serve-as"! I serve as my kids mechanic, I serve as the family carpenter, I serve as the baby sitter, and on and on! But I love it!!!!

Shannon said...

Feel free to show up on my doorstep any time. Don't even bring anything but yourself (and your kiddos). Sometimes visits are the best service of all. What a great post (and lady!).