Last week middle daughter's favorite amusement was an airplane she made out of the big and empty diaper box. She colored on it. Sat in it. Scooted in it. I tripped over it. Stepped on it. And accidentally put a hole in it when I was kicking it out of my way after tripping over it and stepping on it.
It was a mess. Pretty much destroyed after I landed on it. But she continued to occupy its little opening and "fly" around to her imaginary destinations- all on our family room floor. (I'm just glad little son didn't decide to fly it down the stairs)
I threw it in the recycle bin one night after she was tucked snuggly in her bed- on the floor. I don't know why, but she prefers to sleep on the floor. We have a perfectly good bed for her. She likes the floor. So, each night she retreats to her bedroom, takes her 4 blankets and lays them out in the proper order- thus preparing her little bedroll. Silly girl. And every night as I am going in to go to sleep, I check on my little camper. And there she is on the floor- snug as a bug ON the rug.
Saturday morning she came into my bedroom- bright and early- and crawled into bed with me. The husband was away at Youth Conference, so there was a little room for her. We were both awakened an hour later by the sound of the garbage truck. Middle daughter ran to my bedroom window, which faces the street. How lucky can you be to have your master bedroom at the front of the house? Right off your driveway and over your garage. Pretty lucky.
As the magic hand reached out and grabbed our bright blue recycle trash can, middle daughter could see her airplane as it slid out of the trash can and into the cavernous compactor truck. Oh, no. For the good part of Saturday- it was all about that airplane that was now on its way to a recycling center somewhere. "Who threw my airplane in the garbage?"
I don't know. Who would have done such a thing?
And sometimes I think I am being so sneaky.
When have you been caught red-handed? Or are you smarter than I am?
P.S. I have not changed a diaper for ONE WHOLE WEEK!!!! This is the first time in 6 1/2 years that none of my kids are in diapers. I believe this is why we are celebrating Thanksgiving next week. That, and I am thankful we won't have to deal with this when little son is 32.

not having to change a diaper :) ♥ Hugs!
Oh, I've certainly been caught red-handed throwing things away. It bothered me so much that I can't remember what those items even were! I'm sure my son could provide you with an itemized list of toys that went missing. He doesn't seem too traumatized by my actions, however. Now that he's older he gets to do the sorting and cleaning out. I'm sure he hates every minute of it!
oh, poor little one, it's so hard when your creativity gets smushed. I'm sure she'll recover and move on to brighter, greener pastures.
no more diaper changes = priceless
I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed stalking, er, reading your blog. I work at the Utah office of the same company of your husband, and saw your blog on some co-workers blogs. Anyhoo, I have been trying to sneakily throw my husbands crap away for the past 2 months since we got married. He has some sort of personal connection to all of his "stuff," so when he's at Boy Scouts on Wednesdays, I grab a few things and throw them away. So far, he hasn't noticed, but when he does I'm probably gonna have some splaining to do.
No more diapers !
Shout Hooray,
Oh, happy day...
As for me and getting caught red- happened a few times and it was not pretty !
I'm pretty sneaky when I clean stuff out usually...but if I get caught, i usually tell ds that 1--the item was broken (if it was) or 2--he wasn't taking care of it/putting it away, and it was a safety hazard to the rest of the family, so i had to get rid of it. He's 8 now, but yes i've been doing that since he was about 4...
I know, I'm a totally mean mommy.
I too have been caught throwing away a special craft made from random things. I think it might be a fact of life as a mom. Thank goodness my kids have normally forgiven me by the next day.
I never do anything that would upset my kids; they scare me.
WELCOME to the world of NO DIAPERS!! It truly is a wonderful feeling. It can't be described until you have felt that feeling. Just like the feeling of when ALL your kids go to school!! Its a day to shout HOORAY!! And why do we as MOMs and DADs spend so much money on toys when a simple little box will keep our kids happy. So sorry you got caught, I'm sure we have all been there on that one. Its just the fate of beint a mom.
Wow, what's it like to not have diapers all over the house? And why is the funnest thing to do in my house to spread diapers all over the place?
I get caught all the time. I try to get rid of clothes that are too small, boxes that are cars instead of airplanes, balloons (I actually have a post called Balloon Killer). Yay though for the potty training. We're still working on it.
Congrats on no diapers. It's the best feeling ever! I get caught all the time. The last time was the topographical map of Utah- apparently I wasn't informaed that we really needed it and it was rescued. Oh well. Someday I'll see my counter again!
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