Last week the husband whisked the children and me away
to one of my most favorite childhood haunts.
The family cabin in the mountains of
Durango, Colorado.

And I wondered:
why has it been ten years since our last trip here?
I couldn't believe this was the first time I was introducing the children to this wonderland. Watching them brought back a flood of memories: days spent with my brothers and sisters and cousins wandering the mountains, warning each other not to pick the columbines- the state flower of Colorado- because, for sure there was a police man waiting just beyond the next towering aspen to apprehend any state flower-picking offender.
Time spent at the waterfall. Washing our hair in the man-made spillway, just up the road from the cabin.

Driving up to the top of the mountain to see the beautiful wildflowers and passing the old mine and the lone chimney- remnants of a burnt out house.
Exploring the meadow across the road from the cabin. The meadow that housed the remains of a pioneer cabin long since abandoned. Visiting the gravestone of the tiny pioneer who lost her life way too early.
Finding the old bottles from the saloon that once buzzed with life and, no doubt, drunk miners.
Remembering the old school that we used to visit and sit in the desks and drink the Mountain Dew supplied by the forest ranger there. What was her name? She was always around those hills, coming up for a visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandpa, sitting in his chair in front of the huge picture window, taking in the view of the mountain. Grandma bathing us in the big silver tub by lantern-light.
Honeymooning with the husband and our first days of
Exploring the meadow across the road from the cabin. The meadow that housed the remains of a pioneer cabin long since abandoned. Visiting the gravestone of the tiny pioneer who lost her life way too early.
Finding the old bottles from the saloon that once buzzed with life and, no doubt, drunk miners.
Remembering the old school that we used to visit and sit in the desks and drink the Mountain Dew supplied by the forest ranger there. What was her name? She was always around those hills, coming up for a visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandpa, sitting in his chair in front of the huge picture window, taking in the view of the mountain. Grandma bathing us in the big silver tub by lantern-light.
Honeymooning with the husband and our first days of
happily ever after.
Those were some good days. All of them.
Those were some good days. All of them.
And so, we introduced the children to the wonder of the cabin.
And they loved it.
And we celebrated Grandma's 90th birthday
with song and laughter, skits and bonfires, food and camping, family and friends.

That looks like a WONDERFUL time! I've felt guilty for not getting our kids out and about in the mountains more. It's so important to pass on that love of nature and peace to them.
I'm glad you all had fun just being a family together in a place with a lot of memories.
Your post also reminded me of a song that my hubs and I have used as our 'theme song' at a pivotal point in our marriage. Check out the lyrics for the song "Farthest Shore" by David Wilcox. There's even a burnt out cabin in the song!
*sigh* i am crying all over again reading this. I missed it all! I was soooo excited to let my kids enjoy it the way i did. i am still SO bummed. And while I want everyone to tell me ALL about it....i really don't. cause then i'll know. and be sad.
glad you had a blast!
Family time like this is Magical! Glad you are having a great time and in much cooler weather!
One of our most favorite places to vacation, and especially to camp, is Durango. looks like you had such a wonderful time and the kiddos really enjoyed themselves. Yeah for you for going back to a place with good memories and sharing those with your children:)
So many memories. Thanks, Steph. I couldn't have said it any beer. Except I do not remember drinking Mountain Dew...
It was magical! My kids loved everything about it, but their favorites were exploring, swinging, and playing with the cousins. I love that our kids are all so close. I hope that we can go back soon.
We hope to have a cabin someday. That does sound magical!!
oh, i'm sad right along w/ nat because it truly reminds me of oregon and i've been really missing home lately. i love the adventures we are having here on the east coast, but just knowing all the fun, outdoor activities i'm missing back home is a little heartbreaking! =(
those moments w/ your loved ones are rare. enjoy them and cherish them when the moment is gone.
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