Thursday, October 8, 2009

There's Glue in my Root Beer / The Original App Guy

You may have had this problem before. The one where you need to glue your car door shut but you have no glue. Yes, that one.

Solution: use root beer. It works.

This is what you do:
  1. You run all over tarnation taking care of your errands and then as you pass Chick-fil-A you decide that sounds good for lunch because you know once you get home you won't feel like fixing pbj's again.
  2. When you finally arrive at home, gather all the stuff that you just errand-ed in your arms so you don't have to make two trips out to the car to bring it all in.
  3. While you are unbuckling your son's car seat, put your root beer on the roof of the car.
  4. It will slide off and drizzle down your shirt (through the straw and the little straw hole in the lid) and arm as you try to catch it. And it will splash on the door frame of your open car door and then on the rubber sealer part. But, most likely, the lid will stay on.
  5. Grab a napkin out of your lunch sack and haphazardly wipe up what you can as you juggle the world in your arms.
  6. Finish getting the children out of the car, shut the doors and get yourself inside the house.
  7. Don't give it another thought.
  8. When you run out the door 24 hours later to hop into your car and wonder why the door won't open, it might take a moment, but it will eventually come to you. The root beer. Good as glued.

You can thank me now or later. Whichever.

Moral: Keep root beer on hand. You never know when you might need it. And do you think the Nobel people would consider this discovery a contribution to science? Because I'm pretty sure no one has thought of the root beer as a car door glue substitute thing before.

Well, except maybe MacGuyver.

Yeah, except him.

I'm fairly certain he may have an app for that.


Ginny said...

haha. good thing to know next time my car door wont close, because I generally don't have glue on hand.....or root beer. hm. I'd have to go out and buy some either way. bummer that the good root beer from chick-fil-a got wasted....i really like that kind of root beer, but I'm glad it still got used. : )

uniquelynat said...

well who knew!!?! if ammon read this post he would most likely point out that it is NOT a sin to make more than 1 trip to carry stuff in. (he frequently points that out to me) but i think only a wonder-woman could juggle the world in her arms and still take care of the children. so i say........ good for you!

hwalk said...

Laughing. Hard.

Me (aka Danielle) said...

who would have thought! Thanks for sharing this one! :)

Macie said...

That is HILARIOUS! Who knew root beer could be so useful? I seriously love your blog & the stories you tell!

Susan said...

Oh, Stephanie, you're hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

Mechelle said...


Alicia said...

Oh no!!!! You crack me up. I will definitely keep this in mind.

Sandi and Curtis said...

I thought Root Beer was only invented for Mormons who didn't drink Coke! Imagine...Glue!!

Nathan said...

Duly noted.

I am also one of those carry-everything-in-at-once kind of people, so I totally get that.

Heidi said...

MacGyver? Only you...
you forgot to add the element of scorching garage heat to assure complete inaccessibility! So funnnny! Was the husband devastated to know that in his love of the stuff he hadn't thought of that first:)? How did you get the door opened? Good thing the children got out safely...hahah...

Cranberryfries said...

Haha. I hate that. Oh and applejuice works too. :)