So sorry to bring it up again, but remember that one time I had that one Dream Giveaway? (If not, go here and then here- but don't forget to come back here to find out the rest)
Ever since I announced that silly giveaway I have had strange dreams with people of no consequence in them. It has boggled my mind. I usually have great dreams, full of people I know. Not since the giveaway announcement. That is, until Saturday! That's right, guys- I finally have a winner! My friend Carolyn was in my dream on Saturday. Believe it!
Carolyn (and whoever else might be interested)- this is how your part went down. You know how dreams are, some parts are a little sketchy- but this is what I can remember. We were friends- of course- and you were not married and neither was I. But, you did have your girls (?) and a cool pink slinky bracelet. All of a sudden one of my boyfriends from high school shows up in town. I was pretty excited to see him because he is a great catch (to the husband: don't read anything into that- just a dream).
After a few weeks I noticed that you (Carolyn) were spending a lot of time with my ex-boyfriend and so I asked you about it- and I was feeling like the girl that doesn't get picked. You were pretty shy and danced around the issue, but eventually it all came out that you and he had eloped and were married. You explained that you hadn't wanted to tell me so my feelings would be spared and that you thought you could hide your secret marriage.
But then, you guys bought a Volkswagen Bus (we call them Libyan vans) and moved into it- and parked it in my back yard.
And then I woke up.
Thanks for visiting my dream. It was way fun. And since you are the dream giveaway winner, I will be stopping by your house with a box of dreamsicles (good thing you are local). Be expecting me. And please- share them with your kiddos and Josh and tell him that I am sorry you married my ex-boyfriend. I won't let it happen again.
Any of you are welcome to stop on by my dreams in the future and I will tell you what happens when I find you in one of those dreams.
Ha! ROFL. Congrats Carolyn on the win!
I'm glad that you call VW Buses "Libyan Vans," because I do, too. Everytime I see one, I think to myself in my Christopher Lloyd voice, "It's the Libyans, shreek!"
Nice! I am sure she is thrilled! (-=
Hey, the Libyan Van is funny..."Back to the Future" is the first thing I thought of too !
Enjoy your win Carolyn !
Hey, if Wilma Flintstone shows up in your dreams sometime, you know it's me ...LOL
hilarious!! Awesome that you actually got a winner. I love how weird dreams are. If you ever dream about giving birth to a dog --that's me!
WAY TOO FUNNY !!! I'm surprised you could remember the dream, half of the time I can and then most of the other time, I don't want to remember.
I can't belive that I won! Thanks for the laugh and for dreaming about me! I laughed so hard. Do you have a picture of cute ex-boyfriend? Just kidding!
Man oh Man..always a bridesmaid, never the bride!
I'm glad I decided to keep reading..I thought for sure you were announcing that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had made the starring role, and not me. I was hurt. Seriously, when is the last time he posted on his blog..making him worthy of being in your dreams!
Good to see it was someone, if not me, that hopefully posts regularly!
P.S. No disprect to Dr. King, Great man and the country has grown leaps and bounds because of him. (Don't flog me!)
that mlk pic makes me giggle!
Hysterical!!! Enjoy your dreamsicles!
that's so great. nice to have married friend and ex-bf living in your back yard. not awkward at all!
i'm laughing so hard. and of course in your dream it all made perfect sense.
i'm so jealous of the dreamsicles!
Yep. I thought about Back to the Future, too. I want to be in your dreams! Well, maybe I don't if I'm going to have to live in a Libyan van. . . .
The "Libyan Van" thing cracked me up. I forgot about theat Back to the Future scene until I read your post :-)
Congrats to Carolyn!
Lady, you have some pretty interesting dreams. You need an outlet for creative juices. How about writing a book? You are so good you'd come up with a bestseller. I'm kind of serious.
I reread my comment and it sounded like I'm saying you were creating your dreams which is not right. I just meant you're having all these weird (although fun) dreams maybe because you have a lot of unexpended creative energy which is finding outlet in your brain cells through dreams. So I'm suggesting book-writing.
Sorry for being so weird. Please still be my friend :-)
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